Debt amount 5M $

Lenaria Holdings Limited
Lenaria Holdings Limited was registered in Cyprus.
This company was affiliated with the Housing Capital Group of Companies (previous name of the Aleustroy company). Lenaria Holdings Limited and Housing Capital Group were controlled by Vadim Zhuk.
The Housing Capital Group of Companies was a construction company in Russia that built multi-apartment residential buildings. Funds for the construction of apartment buildings were attracted from individuals who were to receive apartments in the future.
In 2011-2013, Housing Capital Group transferred funds in the amount of $ 5M to the Lenaria Holdings Limited bank account.
On September 23, 2016, Housing Capital Group of Companies was declared bankrupt.
In 2019, Vadim Zhuk was extradited by the Republic of Spain to Russia, according to the European arrest warrant for economic crimes.
Our company acquired a debt to Lenaria Holdings Limited.
In the near future, we will declare Lenaria Holdings Limited bankrupt.
We plan to identify all banking transactions made by Lenaria Holdings Limited, and to form assets for settlements with us and other creditors through these banking transactions.